Sunday, November 22, 2009

If we never had a Christmas

It's beginning to feel like Christmas and I'm beginning to feel excited. I've heard some Christians say that we don't need to celebrate Christ's birth because Jesus never told his followers to remember his birth, only his death. Well, I disagree. Christmas reminds us of the simplicity of God. He wanted Jesus to have a beginning on earth. Just like us. We all have to start life as a baby, defenseless and dependant on our parents. It's heartwarming to know that God came down from heaven's glory to share with us in the human experience. He wanted to feel what we feel, to feel hungry, sad, tired, and even lonely sometimes. Why? Because He loves us. What an amazing God.

If we never celebrated Christmas
What would earth be like today?
And if God’s Son had not been born,
Wouldn't heaven seem far away.
And what would people celebrate
If there was no Christmas story.
How could our hearts rejoice and sing
About the wonder of God’s glory.
Though some will try to banish Christ
From Christmas celebrations
The Holy Child’s simple birth
Defies all explanations.
Who can understand this mystery
And God's Christmas gift of love
It’s the answer to a better world
And unites us with the Lord above.

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